The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez DVD (1982)

$ 13.95

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The retelling of an incident in Gonzales, Texas in 1901 revolving around a stolen horse, mistaken identity and a killing. An unusual story of the all too usual exploitation of the powerless in Texas History. Delivered sealed in case with artwork as shown on our page.

Starring: Edward James Olmos

Viewer Review: " Edward James Olmos is outstanding in the title role and gives one of the finest performances in this underrated actor,s career...this largely unknown and underrated gem deserves to be discovered for its fine acting and compelling story."

Run Time:  1h, 44m

Format: DVD


Usually ships in 1- 3 days from the United States via USPS w/Tracking.

Note: Christmas Shop Early To Avoid Severe Postal Shipping Delays.

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