Camp Utopia DVD (2002)
$ 14.95
In 1969, in a small hippie commune in Northern California, Timothy Bach - a self-proclaimed guru - maintained a hypnotic hold on his followers. On June 23, something went terribly wrong in the free love and peace commune. In an apparent drug-induced frenzy, Bach began slaughtering his followers. He then disappeared into the night, never to be heard from again. More than thirty years later, five teenagers return to the site of "Camp Utopia." And now, what happened back happening again. Has the evil cult leader returned? Or is it something far worse...? Delivered sealed in case with artwork as shown on our website.
Run Time: 1h, 21m
This DVD is encoded NTSC Region ALL (playable worldwide).
Usually ships in 1-3 days from the United States via USPS w/Tracking.
Note: Christmas Shop Early To Avoid Severe Postal Shipping Delays.