Deadly Heroes DVD (1993)

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Ex-Navy SEAL Brad Cartowski (Michael Pare) is injured during an attack at Athens airport by terrorists who kidnap his wife and fly her on a hijacked plane to North Africa. Cartowski goes in pursuit, aided by another ex-SEAL, Cody Grant (Jan-Michael Vincent). Delivered sealed in case with artwork as shown on our page.

Starring: Michael Pare, Jan-Michael Vincent, Claudette Mink, Billy Drago

Viewer Review: " Three unique actors all in one movie! Drago plays a great and unusual psycho here in this movie - he is a great bad guy actor! Vincent and Pare are excellent as usual. Also, Galit Giat who plays the female baddie is really good. The action in the movie is exciting and the film starts off with a bang. Give this one a chance especially if you are a fan of these actors. I recommend it!"

1h, 45m

This DVD is encoded NTSC Region ALL (playable worldwide).

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