The Lift DVD (1983)

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Black humor dominates in this macabre story about a murderously animated elevator and its repairman Felix (Huub Stapel) and Felix,s voluntary new assistant Mieke (Willeke van Ammelrooy). a reporter for a tabloid paper. When the elevator decapitates a security guard and tries to suffocate some party-goers, it becomes obvious that it needs more than a 60,000-mile check-up. After Felix narrows down the possibilities to some experiments his company is doing with microchips. he is coincidentally suspended from his job -- indicating that the elevator is not acting alone. Delivered sealed in case with artwork as shown on our website.

Starring: Huub Stapel. Willeke van Ammerlrooy

Viewer Review: "I,ve watched this movie dozens of times. It is one of the scariest and most suspenseful movies I,ve ever seen. The atmosphere surrounding the elevator is SOOO creepy. This is a must see movie for everyone who loves a truly terrifying movie. GRUESOME FUN!"

Run Time:  1h, 39m

Language: English

This DVD is encoded NTSC Region ALL (playable worldwide).

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