Genghis Kahn DVD (1965)
$ 14.95
Prince Temujin (Omar Sharif) watches the execution of his father by the ruthless Mongol leader, Jamuga (Stephen Boyd), who forces Temujin and his people into slavery. Escaping into the mountains, Temujin vows to avenge his father and unite the Mongol people. He kidnaps and eventually marries Bortei (Françoise Dorléac), a woman betrothed to Jamuga. He then raises an army and saves China from Jamuga,s invaders, prompting the emperor (Robert Morley) to convey upon him the title Genghis Khan.
Starring: Omar Sharif, Stephen Boyd, Eli Wallach, James Mason
Viewer Review: "I simply enjoyed this tale of Genghis Khan...Omar Sharif in the lead role is excellent, and with some tender romance and family life added in for interest it gives value to what he stands for. Morley always is a good supporting actor."
Run Time: 2h, 12m
This DVD is encoded NTSC Region ALL (playable worldwide).
Usually ships in 1-3 days from the United States via USPS w/Tracking.
Note: Christmas Shop Early To Avoid Severe Seasonal Postal Shipping Delays.